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uob wealth banking

UOB Wealth Banking targets  the mass affluent. Those sandwiched between average and high income earners. The insights I unearthed with our Planners were emotionally charged. Our audience experienced a sense of being underserved by banks. On top of that, they don't realise their own potential for growing wealth. To them, investing is for the wealthy. We didn't want to talk at them, we wanted to initiate a conversation. To show them that here's a bank that does see them and wants to invest in them.

Integrated Campaign

23.1 Lighter

launch video

There's nothing like seeing your questions and doubts coming to life in a film. My team and I created this piece to initiate consideration of UOB Wealth Banking in the target audience's minds.

360 campaign

From posters in branches, to out-of-home to digital communications, both owned and paid for channels, we crafted a spread of work consisting of top-line campaign launch materials and "Recipes for Investing" Season 1 which dominated social media. 

Digital Posters  Across All Branches
Out-of-home Advertising

Recognising your own wealth potential. That's the first thing anyone needs to do before they embark on their journey towards financial freedom. This campaign helped our target audience do exactly that, recognise their potential to build their wealth.


To do this, we developed a unique edutainment series for social media that gave people basic investing knowledge, and the reassurance of knowing who they can turn to to begin investing in their future. This edutainment series is known as "Recipes for Investing". It broke down complex investment terms into simpler, easy-to-grasp nuggets of information by using cooking analogies. Every Singaporean seems to love food and the art of cooking, so why not teach investing through cooking?

Season 1 featured awarded Asian Fusion chef Petrina Loh, while Season 2 had Christopher Kong, creator and chef of Dearborn Supper Club, break down investing concepts and a few delectable recipes for a fun way to make investing more palatable.

"Recipes for investing" Seasons
1 & 2

Seasons 1 and 2 feature chef Petrina Loh and chef Christopher Kong respectively. With their help, our audience was taught the basics of investing and putting together a killer ceviche.

Website Walk-through
Trailer On Instagram
Season 2 On The Campaign Website
An Episode On "Diversification", Season 2

Copyrights@2021 Jac Rodrigo. All rights reserved.

Copyrights@2021 Jac Rodrigo. All rights reserved.

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